Conflict Management and Resolution Skills
Learn effective conflict management techniques and resolution strategies to address confrontation in the workplace.
Learn how to deal effectively with others in antagonistic situations. Discover how to reduce tension or conflict. Review how to effectively settle disputes by focusing on solving the problems at hand—without offending egos. Evaluate the feasibility of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms.
Learn the essentials of effective conflict resolution.
Practice communication techniques to improve relationships.
Discover how to communicate clearly and compassionately.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
Understanding the need for negotiation skills in business
Identifying the characteristics of a good negotiator
Identifying individual negotiating styles
Knowing and applying the steps in the negotiation process
Explaining strategies that could be used in negotiation
Preparation – information gathering and goal setting
Developing communication skills essential to negotiate successfully
Gaining confidence – demonstrating persuasive and assertiveness techniques
Achieving the best deal/outcome possible
How will this Training Course be Presented?
Who is this Training Course for?
Employees who are required to negotiate or influence discussions in their function
The Course Content
Conflict Resolution Foundations
Discover how to improve your relationships with your co-workers, clients, employees, and
supervisors and find your way through conflict back to cooperation.
Improving Your Conflict Competence
Learn to respond to workplace conflict more effectively, by managing your emotions and engaging others constructively.
Managing Conflict
Learn the tools that turn conflicts into positive outcomes.
Managing Team Conflict
Learn how to confidently lead through conflict. Review the various sources of team conflict and learn how to defuse tricky situations using different approaches.
Working with Difficult People
Learn methods for recognizing the characteristics of some of the most common types of difficult people, and discover how to deal with these individuals more effectively.
Working on a Cross-Functional Team
Learn how to build and manage an effective cross-functional team.
High-Stakes Communication
Manage your message, yourself, and stakeholders when tension is high. Get practical tips and real-life examples that can help you prepare to shine in high-stakes moments.
Compassionate Directness
Learn how to be a more honest, kind, and direct communicator.