Basic Microsoft PowerPoint
This Microsoft PowerPoint training course aims to provide new PowerPoint users with the essentials skills needed to create, edit and present professional looking presentations using text, tables, diagrams, charts and pictures as well as providing presentations tips.
This Microsoft PowerPoint training course aims to provide new PowerPoint users with the essentials skills needed to create, edit and present professional looking presentations using text, tables, diagrams, charts and pictures as well as providing presentations tips.
Course Objectives
By attending this ICL training course, delegates will be able to:
Work with the basic features of powerpoint
Create a new presentation
Work with presentations
Insert text into a slide and apply basic formatting
Work with the various slide layouts
Create and work with smartart graphics
Draw and format shapes
Navigate a slide show in powerpoint
Use a range of printing techniques
Follow the procedures for using various forms of Help
Create brilliant presentations.
How will this Training Course be Presented?
Presenter-taught training in a computer lab
Online training via the platform Zoom or MS Teams
Assumes prior skill and knowledge required to create, edit, print and chart simple worksheets, as well as understand ranges and the copying process.
You should be also familiar with the basic functions of a computer operating system such as navigating the environment using a mouse and keyboard, starting applications, copying and pasting objects, formatting text, creating folders, opening and saving files, familiarity with the accessing the Internet and web browsers.
Additional information
Please bring a USB flash drive to class if you would like to make a copy of your work or any relevant class materials. Alternatively, you can save these to a cloud storage space or email them to your personal email address.
Recommended operating system: Windows or Mac
Recommended software for PC: MS Excel 2013, 2016, 2019, 365
Recommended software for Mac OS: MS Excel 2016, 2019, 365
Recommended browser: Chrome
Who is this Training Course for?
Suitable for beginners. Assumes little or no knowledge of the software.
The Course Content
Getting to know PowerPoint
Starting PowerPoint
Understanding the start screen
Creating a new blank presentation
The PowerPoint screen
How microsoft powerpoint works
Using the ribbon
Using ribbon keytips
Showing and collapsing the ribbons
Understanding the backstage view
Accessing the backstage view
Using shortcut menus
Understanding dialog boxes
Launching dialog boxes
Understanding the quick access toolbar
Adding commands to the QAT
Understanding the status bar
Customising the status bar
Exiting safely from PowerPoint
Your first presentation
Creating presentations in PowerPoint
Creating a presentation
Applying theme variants
The save as place
The save as dialog box
Typing text into a slide
Inserting new slides
Typing text using the outline pane
Applying slide transitions
Saving a presentation
Previewing a slide show
Closing a presentation
Working with presentations
The open place
The open dialog box
Opening a presentation
Opening multiple presentations
Switching between open presentations
Understanding presentation views
Changing presentation views
Navigating a presentation
Using the zoom tool
Opening a recent presentation
Working with text
Editing text
Checking spelling and grammar
Understanding font formatting
Applying font formatting
Applying paragraph formatting
Changing bullet and numbering styles
Moving and resizing placeholders
Applying wordart to text
Converting text to smartart
Slide layouts
Understanding slide layouts
Inserting a title slide
Inserting a title and content slide
Inserting a section header slide
Inserting a table
Inserting a picture with caption slide
Inserting a chart
Changing the slide layout
Understanding smartart
Inserting a smartart graphic
Inserting text into smartart
Adding shapes below
Adding shapes above
Adding shapes before and after
Adding an assistant
Promoting and demoting shapes
Switching smartart right to left
Resizing smartart
Changing the smartart layout
Applying a colour scheme
Applying a smartart style
Deleting smartart shapes
Drawing shapes
Resizing shapes
Editing shapes
Positioning shapes
Arranging shapes
Merging shapes
Formatting shapes
Using the eyedropper
Copying shapes
Aligning shapes using the ribbon
Aligning objects using the smart guides
Inserting and formatting text
Connecting shapes
Grouping shapes
Rotating shapes
Preparing for presentations
Using slide sorter view
Reusing slides
Adding sections
Adding notes to your slides
Slide numbers
About hyperlinks
Creating an internal hyperlink
Creating a hyperlink to another presentation
Creating a hyperlink to another application
Keyboard shortcuts for navigating slide shows
Using resume reading
Presenting a slide show
Printing you presentation
Understanding printing
Previewing slides
Printing slides
Printing handouts
Printing notes pages
Printing the outline
Getting help
Understanding how help works
Accessing the help window
Navigating the help window
Using the office website
Googling help
Printing a help topic
Brilliant presentations
Make it readable
The four pillars of great design
Perfect presentation layouts
Presenting polished presentations
Presentation methods and hardware